Saturday, August 2, 2008


I've received my 1911 back after upgrading the thumb safety to a Ed Brown wide ambidextrous safety. I've also added the blackhawk level II serpa holster to the package. Now the firearm is fully functional for a left handed firer.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Can't wait!

Since we moved the family to Oregon my job has become less than promised. I now have to stay away from home for a month at a time. I really hate being away from my family and I know they feel it to. I can't wait till I can sever the ties the keep me with swift and can find something more local. I do usually get the chance to go shooting with my father during my home stays, I again can't wait till Annika and Keagan are old enough to join us on the range and in the field. Something tells me that when I'm able to be home more often I'll be able to bring them with me to familiarize them with pellets shortly after.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Just an Update

Today was the 3rd annual ECSA machine gun shoot! I worked the 9 to 11 am range safety officer shift with my father and at least a dozen other members putting on the event. The amount of ammo and sheer value of these firearms are awe inspiring. It's amusing to watch the guy with the muzzle loading cannon with 3 lbs ball getting better groups than these full auto rifles, but accuracy wasn't the prime concern today. We had a really good time. The exploding targets were nice but nobody really went for them till the suppressed fire began! I got a chance to day to also update this site and post some new pictures of both the shoot and my new pieces in my collection. I'm going with a slide show format to reduce space but I'll keep the slides relevant to each other to keep them from becoming to long. That's about it for now, keep checking back for future updates.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Failure to load!

Luckily this entry is not about any of my firearms, instead it's about my laptop. I've had to Gerry rig a access point for the Internet. I do have a bright solution for the future however. Once again the love of my life has came through and got me a laptop for my birthday. I won't be home till early June to get it, but since my birthday is June 5th I guess that is the way it should be. When I get home I'll take and add those pictures I've been promising.......I promise!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Back to the range

I made it back to the range today. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of the day or my guns, but it was fun. I lost a couple of games of shooting poker to my dad and one of the local state troopers but was really impressed with the performance of my new 1911. The Knoxxs stock on my 870 really handled nicely but I do want to get the cheek plate. I ordered a 20" barrel yesterday so it should take a little while to arrive, but I'm going back to work tomorrow so I don't mind the wait. I'll try to get some good shots of the new pieces soon.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I know I've been missing for a while, but the family has moved and internet will be on very soon. Along with the new dwellings I'm going to gain access to a few more pieces to my collection. I will be getting pictures of the 870 up soon as possible.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Addition

I just got approved by the Head of the Department of Homeland Serenity (My Wife) to purchase a Rock Island 1911. I've been wanting a 1911 for a while but they all seemed a little steep in the price department. Besides most came with a few bells and whistles and I've really grown to enjoy the customizing process. Call me crazy (or as my wife likes "Obsessive") but I Like to know the parts and abilities of my firearms.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I know, About time!

Today I finally joined the NRA. I only joined for a year because the promotion they sent me didn't have the option to join lifetime as a distinguished member. I'm rated by the VA at 40% service connected disability so I want to wait till I get a chance to figure that out before I join as a life member.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I've been looking at some really hot bullpup style rifles. I like the accuracy without the overall length idea. I've even found a couple that I think would be really fun to shoot or even own... Except for me, apearantly manufactures have after decades of only making "specialty" firearms to accomidate the 20% of us that are left handed has finally decided to leave us out entirely on this concept. Now I realize that it would really be a difficult task to retool the equipment to start making rifles that could eject to the left and then the modifacation kits to turn these into bullpups. Couple that with the fact that not all of the 20% are shooting sport advacates it does seem a little frivalous. I just wanted to say as a left handed shooter who would like a nice Ak-47 or Ruger 10/22 in a bullpup set up, this sucks!

Remington 870 project

While in the market for a Remington 870 shotgun I was preempted by my father who told me to save my money he had and extra. Now what he is going to provide for me on a prolonged temporary status is a remington 870 with standard wood furniture and a 28 inch barrel. Personally not liking the taste of bird in inte particular was looking to go more in a slug thrower concept. While not overly inthusiastic about the modifications he has agreed to let me go in this direction. What I'm intending to do is replace the barrel with a 20 inch with rifle sights, colapseable stock, railed forend with verticle grip and offset tactical flashlight mount. Finish it off with a shell holder and single point quick release sling mount to allow my m4 sling to double for both firearms. The set up should provide ample range and knocked down for in valley deer hunting along with the tactical desires for home protection. I won't be able to begin construction until I get up to pick up the shotgun but I will provide pictures before during and after the transformation.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


The fact that more people turn out to vote each week for American Idol than every four years for the Leader of the nation is a sad statement about us. Democracy only works when used. People care about what is happening in this country, I know I hear them complain every day. I just don't understand why they're not voting to become part of the solution. Since the end of WWII it seems to me that the majority of this nations people have not understood what it means to be an American. We criticize and nation and our government but take personal responsibility for putting these people into office. In this nation our leaders are chosen by us and by not voting we at very least are not keeping the ones we agree with least out. Our system works but we've have been given this great gift by our Grandfathers that we have never earned and like many heirs and heiresses out their we don't understand the value of the gift. We give our freedom away in order to feel safe and to not have to think for ourselves. Honor those that have come before you and participate in this nations greatest asset Democracy!

Friday, January 25, 2008


The documents created in establishing the United States as an independent nation are in my beliefs the most inspiring and progressive thinking articles ever developed. For a Nation to declare that it's governing body is to be created under the knowledge that it's power to govern is drawn from the people and should be used for the people was a major step forward. Finally a system was being put into place that established the rights of individuals as free people and not servants to the ruling body. All people where born with these rights and the government only drew the power by support of the people. Democracy is and was not a new concept by any means, however the idea that all people where created equal under the law was. We have stumbled and nobody is perfect, but if taken as it was written these documents are amazing. Our flaws come through when we try to exclude groups or individuals from these rights as if our privilege is greater than theirs. The Bill of rights did not say the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless...or with the exception of! I question anyone who thinks that the constitution needs to be changed for any reason. The same reasons that Kings and tyrants wanted subjects 100, or 2000 years ago are still true today, and the fat that people want trimmed of the constitution is usually the parts that have the word RIGHT in them not POWER.

Friday, January 18, 2008

According to Me

The second amendment starts with precursor outlining the need for an organized militia. This is during a time that militia's members where expected to provide their own arms. This is also the beginning of a nation that just had to liberate itself from the tyrannical rule of an unjust government. Inherently mistrust of governments that put themselves before their citizens lingered. The second amendment was to avoid the subjugation of citizens by removing their ability to resist unreasonable rule.
The Constitution then states "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The idea of a "right" was something endowed upon individuals by their creator. Powers was the term used for the states responsibilities as given to them by the people. The United States was formed upon the ideal that government was of the people, by the people, and above all else for the people.

Not just politics

This site is not just a post to state the political banter in opposition to gun control, I also want to show the enjoyment My family and I experience from shooting, hunting, and being involvled in the shooting community.